Now that I’ve completed the hardware setup from my last post (if you missed the hardware, SPI flash, power issues etc, please check it out) the next step is to get this system up and running as my new desktop. So far during the build performance has been excellent and I’m looking forward to the…
Category: SBC
Articles related to Single Board Computers (SBC) running a full operating system. Articles may pertain to Raspberry Pi or others. Any article related to a SBC will be attached to this topic.
Articles may pertain to a specific SBC or relate to programming that applies to multiple different SBC’s.
Radxa Rock 5B Setup
After waiting 6 months from my pre-order on Ameridroid I finally received my Rock 5B! I ordered this using early on to get my hands on one of the new 8 core (4x A76, 4x A55 Rockchip RK3588) systems. My plan is to make this my daily driver, so I ordered the system with 8GB…
Chromium Sync
I recently received my Radxa Rock 5B SBC and intended to put it in place as my primary workstation at home. In order to use it as my primary workstation I had a few major required pieces of software: Feel free to take a look at my Radxa Rock 5B SBC breakdown posts. For more…
Python logging_handler released!
The “logging_handler” provides a quick and easy way to create a logging object in Python. The Python logging is an incredibly powerful tool, however the options are extensive and the defaults I find to be less than adaquate. The the code in this library I have been using for years on every Python script I…
Python ADC Current Logger (ammeter_logger)
Overview Latest code is available on GitHub, view the other articles in our load testing series This project is part 2 of 2 to capture current data for our load testing. An ESP32 microcontroller will be used as a sender, and this project will cover the SBC device setup to receive. The device will be…