LearningToPi is a collection of articles / posts about our journey to learn programming on SBC and microcontrollers. Here you will find information on programming, use cases, and examples to help you on your journey!
Today we have the following:
- Single Board Computers (SBC)
- Raspberry Pi’s (Zero, 3B+, 4B)
- Radxa Zero
- Banana Pi M2 Zero
- Atomic Pi
- Libre AML-S905X-CC
- Inovato Quadra
- Coming Soon!
- Radxa Rock 5b
- StarFive VisionFive2
- Microcontrollers
- Raspberry Pi Pico
- Espressif ESP32-WROOM-32
- Espressif ESP32-S2 WROVER
On our Modules / Applications page, you’ll find a list of all the Python modules and applications available. All python modules will be available in Github under our LearningToPi account. Where applicable, modules will also be available for install via PyPi.
Our goal is to share our experience and knowledge with you on your journey to Pi! As we go, we will be publishing some of Python code and libraries that we use on a daily basis. We also have some large, complex projects in the works that we should have a preview of soon! This includes a Python performance test for SBC’s (which we can use to compare different platforms), as well as a replacement for the Logitech Harmony! Both of these projects will depend on the smaller projects and libraries we are in the process of posting now. Please check back on our Modules / Applications page for updates! Also check for our latest SBC and Microcontrollers posts.
Please feel free to browse! Our focus is on Python programming. We will continue to add platforms that support Python as time goes on. If you have any suggestions or recommendations, please feel free to hit the Contact Us page and drop your suggestion!